Monday, February 6, 2012

Level 3 Day 8

Today was my 3rd day of woking out in the AM as oppose to the PM.  Going to try it for a few more times throughout the week.  I'm actually fond of it although I am NOT a morning person.  I like the feeling I get when I remember that I have already done my workout.  I find myself thinking at work about what the rest of my afternoon entails and it seems like it's going to be another long day getting home at 7:30 pm and working out till almost 9pm, eat dinner and strainght to bed, but then, a small sense of relief and happiness comes over me as I remember that I've already done my Tracy.  It feels good knowing that I will be able to get home and do house chores or just relax.  I think I'm going to hang on to this new routine until my body is forced to get used to it.  :) 

I'm also pretty psyched about the new cardio I'm doing from Tracy's 30-Day Method book, which I just bought a couple of days ago.  I find I can follow that cardio much easier and do 20 mins without breaks.  Tomorrow I will try 30 mins.  I've been reading her book every now and then when I get a few minutes to read somthing actually intersting other than my text books.  It is very informative, I almost wish I had found this book before Meta.  It's more instructional,but nonetheless I am going to stick with Meta until my 90 days. Hmmm....Maybe I will do the 30-Day Methd in between when I finish Meta and get Continuity.

Results so far...
Well, scale is not going down much, but I noticed I have a booty now!  Yay!! I always had a flat rear, but I'm noticing a little nice round toosh!  Also, as I was doing my mat workout on Satuday, I was already thinking of giving up, sad I know,  and then my husband out of no where says that my body is looking tighter.  Made me blush and gave the push I needed to finish my reps. 

Excited to finish this Level my I'm scared of previewing Level 4.
Hope you TAMers out there are doing just as great if not better! 

A special shout out to Jae for nominating me with the Leibster Award.  Check out her most fabulous blog at French Fries and Thunder ThighsThank you Ms. Jae!!!

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