Friday, January 20, 2012

Level 2 Day5

Yesterday’s workout was, well, a workout.  I almost fell off the wagon... :(  Working 8-5 and school till 7, getting home at 7:45pm then seeing house chores that need to get done was about to consume me and take me away from my TAM, but I was strong and stood my ground.  

My husband was watching me do the Dance Cardio and said that it was like looking into a mirror, because every move Tracy made, I mirrored her.  Of course that didn't last long.  It's like she has springs implanted in her calves! So yesterday was my 5th day on level 2 and I notice that Tracy messed up on the second leg series....yes, it took me 5 whole days to realize it, but now I know that she really IS human, not just some mechanical woman. 

Gave me hope once again to keep on truckin’!

Weighed myself the morning of and was down another pound, which makes 4 pounds to date!  I know it's not much, but it's a whole lot to me.  I was already dreading casual Fridays at work because none of my jeans were fitting me anymore.  I was doing the unbuttoned jean with a belt over so no one could tell number.  Not today!  My jeans fit once again.  YAY!!!!!

I also started doing this extra abs after my abs work on MS.  Curious to see if I can really actually get a V for Valentine's.

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